You know when you want to rearrange your home, but you can't because your furniture is denting your carpet and you don't want any of those ugly carpet dents showing??😅 Yeah, that's the worst.
But fear not!😉 This easy, quick hack will have those dents out in a jiffy and you can rearrange your home all you want whenever you want!🤩👇

1️⃣Start by placing a damp towel over the dent💧I just used a plain, bathroom hand towel. Make sure the towel isn't dripping wet, you just want it damp!!

2️⃣Using an iron on a medium steam setting, iron the towel OVER the carpet dent.♨️ Then, after a few passes, iron it WITHOUT the steam setting!!

3️⃣Continue repeating this process until you no longer feel the dent with your hand✋ It should only take a couple of minutes!⏱️
4️⃣Remove towel, and use your hands, fingers or a fork to fluff the carpet afterwards🍴, returnign it to it's natural state!!

… And those carpet dents will be GONE!! ✨This only took me a couple minutes from start to finish and completely removed the dent!! Check out the before and after👇

It completely got out the dent as if it were never there!!🥳 Let us know in the comments if you try this out or if you have any other hacks you use to get out carpet dents!!🥰
Happy Cleaning!✨
See you next week!

Such a simple way to take care of this problem. Thank you.